Altes Antiguo

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Altes Antiguo
City of Virtual Paradise








VP Suite

Altes Antiguo is a coastal town and associated community in the region of Victoria, being the capital seat of Ryan County. Altes Antiguo is situated near Lake Victoria and Queen Anna's Lake, connected to the rest of the world via river systems stretching from Downtown Blizzard to New Cypress Hollow. The coordinates to Altes Antiguo are -78X 159Z.


Altes Antiguo began as a singular resort project by RyanLion in 2017, but was largely abandoned for a long period of time. The only other neighboring build was an unfinished, Caribbean-inspired resort by SeaSiren which itself was left abandoned. Ry in the meantime began work on New Koln in the outskirts of Blizzard, although that project was itself subject to being forgotten due to his focus on creating Vagus. The mere idea of a city would never come to be realized until early 2023 when RyanLion began making updates to his resort.

The town is connected by an underground tunnel network which links parts of the town separated by Lake Victoria. The underground network also connects the town to the neighboring areas of Sparta, Cannaville, and Victoria.