Q: How do I move?
A: Movement is as follows:
Forward - W, Up Arrow
Back - S, Down Arrow
Strafe Left - A
Strafe Right - D
Turn Left - Left Arrow
Turn Right - Right Arrow
Look Up - Pgup
Look Down - Pgdown
Fly Up - +
Fly Down - -
Q: All I see are a bunch of Triangles!
A: Your connection is slow, give it a minute and the assets will rez.
Q: Can I create my own world?
A: No
Q: I'm Lost
A: Type !jump gz
What Locations are Available on Blizzard?
A: See: http://server.virtualparadise.org:7777/jumps
Q: How do I Build?
A: Building is handle through commands and object duplication. Go to the Object Yard to see what objects can be copied. There are also many texture examples laying around.