Simple greeter bot

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In order to use the Virtual Paradise C SDK you must:

  • Have Visual Studio, Visual C++ Express or another compatible C/C++ IDE+Compiler installed and configured
  • Download the x86 SDK from the Developer Downloads page
#include <VPSDK/VP.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define Username "username"
#define Password "password"
#define Botname  "greeterbot"
#define Worldname "testworld"

void event_avatar_add(VPInstance sdk);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    int err;
    VPInstance sdk;

    if(err = vp_init(VPSDK_VERSION))
        printf("Couldn't initialize VP API(reason %d)", err);
        return 1;

    sdk = vp_create();

    if(err = vp_connect_universe(sdk, "", 57000))
        printf("Couldn't connect to universe(reason %d)", err);
        return 1;
    if(err = vp_login(sdk, Username, Password, Botname))
        printf("Couldn't login(reason %d)", err);
        return 1;
    if(err = vp_enter(sdk, Worldname))
        printf("Couldn't enter world(reason %d)", err);
        return 1;
    vp_event_set(sdk, VP_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, event_avatar_add);
    while(vp_wait(sdk, 1000) == 0){}
    return 0;

void event_avatar_add(VPInstance sdk)
    char message[300];
    sprintf((char*)&message, "Hello, %s!", vp_string(sdk, VP_AVATAR_NAME));
    vp_say(sdk, (char*)&message);


Requirements for building and running the code below:

  • C# console application project (at least .NET Framework 4.6.1 or .NET Core 2.0)
  • Reference to the VpNet NuGet package (version or later)
  • vpsdk.dll present in the output folder, this can be downloaded from the developer downloads page
  • Language version for your project set to at least C# 7.1 (In Visual Studio: Project Properties ▶ Build ▶ Advanced... ▶ Language Version)
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using VpNet;

namespace GreeterBot
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var instance = new Instance();

            // Register the events you wish to capture (such as avatar entry)
            instance.OnAvatarEnter += Instance_OnAvatarEnter;
            instance.OnAvatarLeave += Instance_OnAvatarLeave;

            await instance.ConnectAsync();
            await instance.LoginAsync("Username", "Password", "MyBotName");
            await instance.EnterAsync("MyWorld");

            // Announce the position in the world, this allows the bot to receive avatar and chat events
            instance.UpdateAvatar(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            // Wait forever
            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(int.MaxValue));

        private static void Instance_OnAvatarEnter(Instance sender, AvatarEnterEventArgsT<Avatar<Vector3>, Vector3> args)
            sender.Say($"Hello {args.Avatar.Name}");

        private static void Instance_OnAvatarLeave(Instance sender, AvatarLeaveEventArgsT<Avatar<Vector3>, Vector3> args)
            sender.Say($"Goodbye {args.Avatar.Name}");

VB .Net

Imports VpNet

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
    End Sub

    Async Function MainAsync() As Task
        Dim instance = New Instance

        ' Register the events you wish to capture (such as avatar entry)
        AddHandler instance.OnAvatarEnter, AddressOf Instance_OnAvatarEnter
        AddHandler instance.OnAvatarLeave, AddressOf Instance_OnAvatarLeave

        Await instance.ConnectAsync()
        Await instance.LoginAsync("Username", "Password", "MyBotName")
        Await instance.EnterAsync("MyWorld")

        ' Announce the position in the world, this allows the bot to receive avatar and chat events
        instance.UpdateAvatar(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)

        ' Wait forever
        While True
            Await Task.Delay(System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Integer.MaxValue))
        End While
    End Function

    Private Sub Instance_OnAvatarEnter(sender As Instance, args As AvatarEnterEventArgsT(Of Avatar(Of Vector3), Vector3))
        sender.Say($"Hello {args.Avatar.Name}")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Instance_OnAvatarLeave(sender As Instance, args As AvatarLeaveEventArgsT(Of Avatar(Of Vector3), Vector3))
        sender.Say($"Goodbye {args.Avatar.Name}")
    End Sub
End Module