Simple greeter bot

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In order to use the Virtual Paradise C SDK you must:

  • Have Visual Studio, Visual C++ Express or another compatible C/C++ IDE+Compiler installed and configured
  • Download the x86 SDK from the Developer Downloads page


  1. include <vpsdk/VP.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  1. define Username "username"
  2. define Password "password"
  3. define Botname "greeterbot"
  4. define Worldname "VP-Gate"

void event_avatar_add(VPInstance sdk);

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

   int err;
   if(err = vp_init(VPSDK_VERSION))
       printf("Couldn't initialize VP API(reason %d)", err);
       return 1;
   VPInstance sdk;
   sdk = vp_create();
   if(err = vp_connect_universe(sdk, "", 57000))
       printf("Couldn't connect to universe(reason %d)", err);
       return 1;
   if(err = vp_login(sdk, Username, Password, Botname))
       printf("Couldn't login(reason %d)", err);
       return 1;
   if(err = vp_enter(sdk, Worldname))
       printf("Couldn't enter world(reason %d)", err);
       return 1;
   vp_event_set(sdk, VP_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD, event_avatar_add);
   while(vp_wait(sdk, 1000) == 0){}
   return 0;


void event_avatar_add(VPInstance sdk) {

   char message[100];
   sprintf((char*)&message, "Hello, %s!", vp_string(sdk, VP_AVATAR_NAME));
   vp_say(sdk, (char*)&message);

} </C>


In order to use the Virtual Paradise .Net SDK you must:

  • Have Visual Studio or Visual C# Express installed and configured
  • Download the .Net SDK from the VPNet SDK Download page
  • The latest version of the native VP x86 SDK, that is supported, is included in the VPNET distribution

<CSharp> using System; using VpNet.Core; using VpNet.Core.EventData; using VpNet.Core.Structs;

class ExampleBot {

   //Virtual Paradise SDK Instance
   public static Instance VPInstance;
   static void Main(string[] args)
           //Initialize the Virtual Paradise .Net SDK
           VPInstance = new Instance();
           //Register the events you wish to capture (Such as avatar entry)
           //This must be done AFTER the initialization, but before connection
           VPInstance.EventAvatarAdd += EventAvatarAdd;
           VPInstance.EventAvatarDelete += EventAvatarDelete;
           //Connect to the universe using the default server settings
           //Login to the universe using your username, password,
           //and the desired bot name
           VPInstance.Login("Username", "Password", "MyBotName");
           //Enter the world
           //Set the bot's position in the world 
           VPInstance.UpdateAvatar(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
           //In order to process any pending network events and data
           //we must repeatedly call the Wait() function
           //Here we use a wait of 50 Miliseconds
           while (true)
       //This allows us to cleanly catch and handle 
       //any errors the SDK throws. In normal usage,
       //you should handle specific errors, and not
       //use a catch-all like the one below.
       catch (VpException ex)
           Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message);
       //This pauses the console on crash, so that
       //you can review the error thrown by the SDK
   static void EventAvatarAdd(Instance Sender, Avatar AvatarData)
       //A user has entered the world (or the bot's range)
       //We print the user's name followed by a brief message
       VPInstance.Say(AvatarData.Name + " Entered");
   static void EventAvatarDelete(Instance Sender, Avatar AvatarData)
       //A user has left the world (or the bot's range)
       //We print the user's name followed by a brief message
       VPInstance.Say(AvatarData.Name + " Left");

} </CSharp>

VB .Net

<VBNet> Imports VpNet.Core Imports VpNet.Core.EventData Imports VpNet.Core.Structs

Module ExampleBot

   'Virtual Paradise SDK Instance
   Public VPInstance As Instance
   Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
           'Initialize the Virtual Paradise .Net SDK
           VPInstance = New Instance()
           'Register the events you wish to capture (Such as avatar entry)
           'This must be done AFTER the initialization, but before connection
           AddHandler VPInstance.EventAvatarAdd, AddressOf EventAvatarAdd
           AddHandler VPInstance.EventAvatarDelete, AddressOf EventAvatarDelete
           'Connect to the universe using the default server settings
           'Login to the universe using your username, password,
           'and the desired bot name
           VPInstance.Login("Username", "Password", "MyBotName")
           'Enter the world
           'Set the bot's position in the world 
           VPInstance.UpdateAvatar(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F)
           'Write success message to the console
           Console.WriteLine("Login success!")
           'In order to process any pending network events and data
           'we must repeatedly call the Wait() function
           'Here we use a wait of 50 Miliseconds
           While True
           End While
           'This allows us to cleanly catch and handle 
           'any errors the SDK throws. In normal usage,
           'you should handle specific errors, and not
           'use a catch-all like the one below.
       Catch ex As VpException
           Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message)
       End Try
       'This pauses the console on crash, so that
       'you can review the error thrown by the SDK
   End Sub
   Private Sub EventAvatarAdd(ByVal Sender As Instance, ByVal AvatarData As Avatar)
       'A user has entered the world (or the bot's range)
       'We print the user's name followed by a brief message
       VPInstance.Say(AvatarData.Name & " Entered")
   End Sub
   Private Sub EventAvatarDelete(ByVal Sender As Instance, ByVal AvatarData As Avatar)
       'A user has left the world (or the bot's range)
       'We print the user's name followed by a brief message
       VPInstance.Say(AvatarData.Name & " Left")
   End Sub

End Module </VBNet>