Kingdom of Palmshire

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Kingdom of Palmshire
Nation of Blizzard

Legion I of Palmshire (king) Graystripe (prime minister)


2004 (see Formation)


Parliamentary constitutional monarchy (see Government of Palmshire)

VP Suite


Kingdom of Palmshire is a sovereign state with parliamentary constitutional monarchy and its capital city is New Cypress Hollow. It came into existence on 4 July 2004. The current Palmshire monarch – since 22 January 2011 – is King Legion I. In early 2017, the Kingdom collapsed due to a number of external and internal reasons, leading to the fleeing of the King as well as several member-states declaring independence.

In October of 2017, the Kingdom was reformed with former states.



The head of government is Prime Minister, the prime minister, while the head of state is monarch, the Sovereign.

Under the Palmshire constitution, executive authority lies with the Sovereign. This authority is exercised only by, or on the advice of, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.

The current Prime Minister of Palmshire is graystripe, leader of the Liberal Democrats, who was appointed by King Legion on 13 November 2017.

External Links