World server

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The world server is the software that hosts a virtual world, connected to a Virtual Paradise universe server.

The world server reads important connection and database settings from, which is parsed as a Boost property tree. The file can be edited in any text editor such as Notepad++.


Key Subkey Description Valid values
server port Port for clients to connect to, to access all worlds on this server. Any number between 1 - 65535 (values below 1024 may conflict with other services such as HTTP servers)
host Only for client version 0.3.22 and newer Host name for clients connecting via the universe to resolve and connect to, to access all worlds on this server.
  • localhost (local universe)
  • (free dynamic hostname service)
ip Optional; see 'host' The IP address clients connecting via the universe should connect to, to access all worlds on this server. Should not be used if router does not allow NAT loopback.
database backend Optional Database driver to use internally
  • obdc
connection_string Optional Standard string used to describe database driver or provider to use, along with relevant information such as database name and login information See for examples
database_type Optional Type of database to use
  • sqlite
connections Optional Amount of persistent connections to keep to the database. Ideally, never set higher than amount of threads. 1 - 255
threads Optional Amount of threads dedicated to I/O on the database connections. Ideally, set to at least the number of CPU cores (physical and virtual) available on the system. 1 - 255

Per-world settings

The world server keeps individual settings for each world in the Setting table of the database. For each row, one column defines the ID of the world, the key and the value respectively.

The values are never used by the server; they are sent to the client. Each value is a string with a maximum of 255 characters, however the client requires some values to conform to a particular format to be valid.


All values are optional
Key Type Default Value Description
allow_debug_menu boolean 1 If true, allows the debug menu to be used
allow_flying boolean 1 If true, allows the user to fly up and down by using the + and - keys.
allow_passthrough boolean 1 If true, allows the user to move through objects and terrain by holding the shift key
avatar string DEPRECATED - Object to use as users' 3D avatar (3D representation). Relative object name on the specified path with extension, e.g.:
  • p1cube0100.rwx
  • ../avatars/cy.rwx
  • dog.md2
avatars_file string avatars The name of the avatars list YAML file on the object path, with the default value the file will be loaded from avatars/avatars.yml, this allows the same object path to be used with multiple different avatar list configurations
entry_point decimal 0 0 0 0 Defines the entry point, in coordinates (X Y Z Yaw), for a world.
farplane decimal 40.0 Far clipping plane distance in decameters; how far from the camera the ground and avatars are rendered
fog_begin decimal 0.0 The distance at which fog starts (only applies to linear fog mode)
fog_color color FFFFFF Color of the fog rrggbb (rr, gg and bb are each a hexadecimal number between 00 and ff).
fog_density decimal 0.0 Fog density (only applies to exponential fog modes)
fog_end decimal 0.0 The distance at which fog ends (only applies to linear fog mode)
fog_mode string none Valid values are: none, linear, exp/exponential, exp2/exponential2 (exponential squared)
fov decimal 50 Field of view; how wide an angle of the scene is visible to the camera (in degrees)
ground string ground (or empty if terrain is enabled) Model name for the world "ground" object, a base object that is always rendered regardless of the user's distance from it (e.g. ground.rwx)
groundrepeats boolean 0 If true, the ground object repeats infinitely, to cover the world with the object (center the ground object at the nearest point on a 30m grid)
nearplane decimal 0.03 Near plane distance in decameters; how close to the camera the ground and avatars are rendered (0 may cause glitching)
objectpassword string Password for extracting password-protected ZIP files from the object path
objectpath string Resolvable HTTP address to a server that provides the world's assets via the HTTP protocol, such as an object path (e.g. "http://localhost/", "" (alphaworld path), "")
old_walking_speed ??? ??? ???
override_visibility decimal Force a fixed visibility value (specified in decameters, the visibility menu in the user's client will be disabled)
recommended_light_count decimal 0 If set, displays a warning in chat if the maximum light count in settings is not set to the world's recommended value.
recommended_per_pixel_lighting boolean 0 If true, displays a warning in chat if the user's graphical renderer in settings is not set to one that supports per-pixel lighting.
run_speed decimal 2.4 If set, changes the speed at which users run.
sky boolean 0 Enable gradient sky
sky_clouds1 string Texture file name for cloud layer 1
sky_clouds1_color vector4 1 1 1 0 Cloud layer 1 color (RGBA)
sky_clouds1_scale vector2 1 1 Texture coordinate scaling for cloud layer 1
sky_clouds1_velocity vector2 0 0 Movement of cloud layer 1
sky_clouds2 string Texture file name for cloud layer 2
sky_clouds2_color vector4 1 1 1 0 Cloud layer 1 color (RGBA)
sky_clouds2_scale vector2 1 1 Texture coordinate scaling for cloud layer 2
sky_clouds2_velocity vector2 0 0 Movement of cloud layer 2
sky_color1 vector4 1 1 1 1 Sky color 1 (RGBA)
sky_color2 vector4 1 1 1 1 Sky color 2 (RGBA)
sky_color3 vector4 1 1 1 1 Sky color 3 (RGBA)
sky_color4 vector4 1 1 1 1 Sky color 4 (RGBA)
sky_srgb_colors boolean 1 0: Sky colors are in linear color space

1: Sky colors are in sRGB color space

skybox string Prefix name of a set of textures used for the skybox. A direction and a file extension is added to the prefix for each of the skybox textures (_fr, _lf, _bk, _rt, _up or _bt). The files are downloaded from the textures folder of the world object path. For example "sky_hd", will load:
  • sky_hd_fr.jpg
  • sky_hd_bk.jpg
  • sky_hd_lf.jpg
  • sky_hd_rt.jpg
  • sky_hd_dn.jpg
  • sky_hd_up.jpg
skybox_extension string jpg
skybox_swaplr boolean 0 If true, swap the _lf and _rt skybox faces
terrain boolean 0 If true, terrain is enabled.
terrainoffset decimal -0.02 Y (up-down) distance to offset the terrain globally by
terrainscale decimal 1.0 Scale factor of the terrain grid, with 10m*10m at scale factor 1. Values below 0.5 may cause performance issues for clients
walk_speed decimal 0.3 If set, changes the speed at which users walk.
web_overlay string URL to a web page to be displayed on top of the 3D scene. The web page should have a transparent background so the 3D scene can still be seen
welcome string Welcome to <world>, <name>! Welcome message to provide to clients entering
worldlight_ambient vector3 1.0 1.0 1.0 3D vector defining the ambient light color of the world. Three float values between 0.0 - 1.0 for red, green and blue channels respectively, delimited by space. e.g.:
  • 1.0 0.0 0.0 for full red
  • 1.0 1.0 1.0 for full white
worldlight_diffuse vector3 1.0 1.0 1.0 3D vector defining the diffuse light color of the world. Three float values between 0.0 - 1.0 for red, green and blue channels respectively, delimited by space. e.g.:
  • 1.0 0.0 0.0 for full red
  • 1.0 1.0 1.0 for full white
worldlight_position vector3 0.4 1.0 -0.8 3D vector defining the position of the world's sunlight. Three float values between 0.0 - 1.0 for X, Y and Z positions respectively
worldlight_specular vector3 1.0 1.0 1.0 3D vector defining the specular light color of the world. Three float values between 0.0 - 1.0 for red, green and blue channels respectively, delimited by space. e.g.:
  • 1.0 0.0 0.0 for full red
  • 1.0 1.0 1.0 for full white
worldlight_srgb_colors boolean 1 If true and if the user has sRGB rendering enabled in their client the world light settings (ambient, diffuse and specular) will be converted to linear color space before being used
worldname string Name of the world (used in default welcome message)